ATandT Net Worth 2024: Assets, Income, Revenue, PE Ratio


As one of the major players in the telecommunications and media industries, AT&T Inc. (NYSE: That amenity or product (T) still retains the attraction of investors and market analysts, to date. Earnings and share price serve as the primary aspects showing the company’s performance, its competitive advantages, and business prospects. Let’s determine AT&T’s worth in 2024 using the valuation method yield, price-to-earnings (PE) ratio and revenue’s comparison to its assets and income.


Even till 2024, the AT&T assets makes up a significant market value of total worth. Companies’ assets consist of a broad variety of the physical and non-material resources, telecommunications equipment and media assets, the rights to use the frequencies.

Total Assets: The estimated total asset of AT&T is said to be approximately $390 billion. This is comprised of the hefty stakes in telecommunications, both fibre optics and cell towers, and quality media assets suck as acquisitions.

Tangible Assets: Real estates, communication networks and technologies are some of the main tangible assets which forms a big proportion of the AT&T total assets. Such assets form a part of the business operation agenda in the company as well as in the scheme of competition.

Intangible Assets: The AT&T also possesses a large amount of intangible assets such as brand and logo, patents as well as some distinctive technologies. By value, these assets are used to build and sustain the long term competitive position of the business.


Revenue collection is an essential determinant of AT&T’s financial growth and profitability. The company’s income statement as part of its income statement throws light on the operating profits earned through business activities.

Net Income: In regards to 2024 the expected net income is about 10 billion US dollars in AT&T forecasts. This can be considered to be improvement compared to the previous financial years and could be attributed to strategic repositioning of the company and cost containment activities.

Operating Income: Much higher, the operating income which calculates the capability to earn profit from operations that are primary and free from non-operational influences is estimated to be approximately $15 billion. This figure illustrates that the company has a good management of its central business processes.


The primary interest of this study is sales which is synonymous with revenues and represents AT&T’s market share and its operational size. The wireless segment of the company generates proportionate revenues from the sale of its service offerings while the broadband segment of the company sells services in the from of internet which is also a service.

Total Revenue: The total global revenue for AT&T in the year 2024 is expected to be around about 160 billion U.S. dollars. This is stable and diversified revenue source and absolutely the key strength averring by a wide range of telecommunication and media services.

Segment Revenue: Revenue sources and major source of revenues has been Wireless services, followed by broadband services and media operations. The firm’s media segment that relies on such pillars as content and ad revenues is also important as well.

PE Ratio

The price-to-earnings (PE) ratio, as the name suggests, is one of the most important parameters used in the valuation of the company’s shares whereby the current share price is divided by the current reported earnings per share. It gives information about the investors’ expectation regarding future growth and the company’s P/E ratio.

Current PE Ratio: The current predicted PE ratio for AT&T is about fifteen by the year 2024. This ratio depicts how the market has priced the company’s earnings, and this can be used to compare with other telecoms companies such as Verizon.

Historical Comparison: Presumably, data that yielded a PE ratio of 15 makes the stock fairly valued and not over- or underpriced in comparison to historical statistics. It also captures the market rating of AT&T in terms of current and future earnings growth and volatility.


By 2024, the organization’s worth is backed by its significant asset value and more importantly; reasonable and sustainable income and revenues. Their total assets are roughly pegged at $390 billion and their net incomes are thought to be approximately $10 billion. Its operational versatility can be evidenced by projected revenue of $160 billion; A PE ratio of 15 is fairly well placed for the market it operates in.

While the company tries to find its place in the new telecommunications and media realities, its financial performance will remain the source of interest for investors and market reviewers. Based on a solid asset foundation and effective income structure, AT&T is geared up for a continuing leadership in the industry.

Nevertheless, for the more accurate and recent information about the financial result it is possible to address to the official Web-site of AT&T and analyze the company’s statements and financial reports of the company; to use the data of the financial analytical companies.

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