E2E Cloud and AIC-NITF Partner to Boost Indian AI Startups

E2E Cloud and AIC-NITF Partner to Boost Indian AI Startups

E2E Cloud, a leading provider of GPU cloud solutions, has teamed up with the Atal Incubation Centre – Nalanda Institute of Technology Foundation (AIC-NITF) to support AI startups in India. This partnership aims to foster innovation and entrepreneurship, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).

As part of this initiative, E2E Cloud will provide its advanced GPU infrastructure to startups incubated at AIC-NITF. This includes access to powerful GPU resources, which are essential for developing and scaling AI technologies. Specifically, E2E Cloud is offering access to 64 H100 GPU super pods, with the potential to expand to 2048 GPUs.

Tarun Dua, CEO of E2E Cloud, emphasized the importance of this collaboration: “Our partnership with AIC-NITF reflects our commitment to nurturing technological innovation. By offering advanced GPU resources at affordable rates, we aim to help startups overcome barriers and succeed in their endeavors.”

AIC-NITF, supported by the Atal Innovation Mission under NITI Aayog, is dedicated to promoting innovation and entrepreneurship. With E2E Cloud’s resources, startups at AIC-NITF will be better equipped to tackle complex challenges and create groundbreaking solutions. Durga Prasad Gouda, CEO of AIC-NITF, stated, “This partnership aligns perfectly with our mission to support technology-led startups. Access to cutting-edge GPU technology will accelerate the research and development efforts of our incubatees, leading to impactful innovations.”

In addition to providing GPU resources, E2E Cloud announced a special initiative for incubators: the first 25 incubators will receive GPU credits worth up to 2 lakh rupees each. This support will enable incubators to leverage advanced technology and expand their operations more effectively.

This collaboration between E2E Cloud and AIC-NITF is a significant step toward strengthening the AI startup ecosystem in India, providing much-needed resources and support to drive technological advancement and entrepreneurship.

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