General Electric Net Worth 2024 A Deep Dive into Assets, Income, and Revenue

Specifically, in 2024 General Electric’s value is estimated to be at about $90 billion. Such a great net worth defines the company’s steady existence and development throughout over a century of its activities. GE became famous for having a diverse product range and operating in many industries over the years and still currently relevant in aviation, healthcare, and renewable energy industries.

Historical Background

The company originated in 1892 when two companies; Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston Electric Company merged to form General Electric which was among the industry pioneers in matters electrical. Founded by innovators such as Thomas Edison, GE was originally set up to deal in electrical equipment and soon broadened its technological Industrial horizon. This paper will look at the main changes that have occurred over the decades at GE to shape the company into what it is today. On different occasions, the company was regarded as one of the biggest and powerful companies in the world, listed on the Fortune 500 list.

Diverse Asset Base

Aviation: GE Aviation is a large division; it deals with some of the most cutting-edge jet engines and planes as we have seen. This division has remained one of the vital platforms in GE business since it plays a crucial role in enhancing the worth of the firm. GE Aviation engines are present in commercial and military aircrafts in different parts of the world ,which proves that the division is very essential to the development of aerospace industry.

Healthcare: Medical Imaging & Diagnostic equipment which include CT and MRI are some of equipment that GE Healthcare provides and it is a division of General Electric Company. This division is very essential in the delivery of healthcare since it offers various tools inclusive of MRI, ultrasound, and other diagnose equipment. Being one of the largest segments within the company, the healthcare segment brings significant revenue to GE and is critical to the company’s strategic plan.

Renewable Energy: Perhaps one of the strongest evidence can be explained by the company’s investment into renewable resources of energy. This also refers to equipment like wind turbines and other sustainable and less carbon-emitting technologies to support the green energy solutions. Renewable energy is the part of the company’s strategy to meet global energy issues and environmental goals.

Power Generation: The power generation industry consists of segments such as gas and steam turbines and other items used in energy systems. This segment applies GE’s extensive knowledge in the field of energy to both the traditional and the new-energy industries, as this technology is essential to the generation and delivery of electricity.

Financial Performance

In 2024, General Electric’s financial performance demonstrates its ability to maintain a strong market position despite various challenges:In 2024, General Electric’s financial performance demonstrates its ability to maintain a strong market position despite various challenges:

Revenue: Revenues of the financial year for GE is approximately $76. 556 billion. The figure is lower than in previous years due to the rather active adaptation of its business model and market changes. The company under consideration obtains its revenues from the various segments, aviation, healthcare, and renewable energy.

Net Income: It was minus $0 net income by the company that business requires it to diagnose and rectify its flaws. Witnessing an increase in F & CA at 064 billion usd, it proclaims a net loss slightly for the year. This outcome results from continued reorganizations and streamlining exercises and strategic positioning processes to enhance productivity and sustainability.

Total Assets: To be precise, in the fiscal year 2021, the total asset of the company, GE, was categorized as $1. 443 trillion. This asset base points to the size and spread of GE operations, that is, the company’s diverse business segments and technological capital.

PE Ratio: General Electric’s PE is thirty one. 40 Thus, giving a clue on the true value of the company’s stock in the market in relation to its earnings. The PE ratio depicts investor perception of the company’s stock in the market and the corresponding financial performance.

Strategic Developments and Challenges

Strategic management to minimize general expense of doing business has for long remained a significant focal area for General Electric. This ranges from spinning off divisions that are not central to the Company’s major business and venturing into advanced technology. The organisation’s current strategic directions involving digital offerings and industrial applications are designed for achieving company’s enviable market positions for long term sustainable growth in a globally competitive economy.

Nevertheless, GE has also been experiencing some difficulties in the course of its development Being one of the most powerful companies with a great historical background and an eminent number of fixed assets GE has not been free from certain problems during the years. Starting from the 2008 financial crisis, it started controlling and leakage which over a period of time started affecting its revenue resulting in the sale of some of its major business units. Challenges such as these have been met by GE and this through redesigning of its operations and streamlining of its focuses.


In the next projected year of 2024, the company has a net worth of $90 billion and this clearly shows that the company has been able to survive many changes in a competitive business world. The firstly, the combination of the company’s different types of assets and its extensive range of activities demonstrates its critical importance to many industries. Thus, the development of new technologies and innovations would give a strong boost to GE’s future performance, given the contingent nature of the company’s current operations and strategic development.

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